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two way radios


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My understanding is the ones we can get (unlicenced) work on line of sight, in other words if you can see it (in theory)across level ground and its in distance you can get a signal. but they dont go down or uphill to any great degree since the signal radiates away from the transmitting unit in lateral waves and not sinusoidal


I expect Zapp knows more about this

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The license free radios (PMR446) which are readily and cheaply available are great but both those and even more powerful licensed UHF radios sometimes give comms. difficulties once you get into hilly terrain i.e. you are at one side of the hill and your shooting partner has moved around the other side.


Personally, in that sort of scenario I'd be more inclined to use VHF (2 Metre) radios.


If you have a shooting syndicate or group you can apply to Ofcom for a 'Simple UK' licence (the licence is not available for individual use). It costs £75 for five years and you can then buy commercial VHF / UHF hand-held 'walkie-talkies'. There are plenty of dealers who will then sell you either new or second hand radios programmed appropriately.


Hope this helps



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