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Need help Remmy 700 case extractor


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Ok guys I need some help.


The case extractor (the small circlip like thing in the end of the bolt) on my Remmy 700 .223 is badly worn, and I need to replace it.


I have tried the channels I can think of, and made a fair few phone calls, but nothing.

I can get one for the .308, but not the .223.


Everybody I called seems to be waiting for either EB or something from the US.



Do any of the gunsmiths on here have one that I can buy?



Any help appreciated.



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Try brownells


Thanks Fister. :)


I had already looked there but couldn't find the .223 extractors.

When I looked again this morning, I found them. I guess how hard you look depends on how urgent the need is.


Ordered two, just see how long they take now.





Cooter :)

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Ok guys I need some help.


The case extractor (the small circlip like thing in the end of the bolt) on my Remmy 700 .223 is badly worn, and I need to replace it.


I have tried the channels I can think of, and made a fair few phone calls, but nothing.

I can get one for the .308, but not the .223.


Everybody I called seems to be waiting for either EB or something from the US.



Do any of the gunsmiths on here have one that I can buy?



Any help appreciated.





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