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Roe on my permission.

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I went out for a walk today on one of my permissions to see how the Roe Deer were doing. I regularly see a small herd here and can often get quite close to them, sometimes within about 50 yards or less without them knowing that I am there such is the cover. I took my .243 but I had no intention of shooting any deer, it was just in case I spotted any foxes around as the farmer has been losing ducks and chickens on a fairly regular basis in broad daylight. I'm glad I did as just after the deer decided to show me their white rumps bouncing away in the distance I spotted a big old dog fox actually down on it's belly "stalking" a couple of the farmers chickens. This bold old fox definitely gancied poultry on it's menu for lunch - Big mistake on his part! All I could see of him most of the time was his head as he was moving through the rough grass on an embankment so I had to bide my time until I could see his head and neck clearly before I could take a nice easy head shot. (I would have taken an engine room shot but it was just not clearly available) I chose not to show any of the footage of the fox and the shot as I feel that some of the antis that frequent Youtube might see it as golrifying in the shooting of a fox, and anyway it's head was quite a mess after getting hit broadside on from about 60 yards with a 100g Soft Point, not the sort of thing that makes good viewing, but the farmer's wife was delighted with my mornings!

This short video clip might be a bit boring for some of you but I filmed this video on one of my permissions where my FEO claimed that there were no deer present, it's funny how they sometimes think they know your permissions better than you do isn't it!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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my FEO claimed that there were no deer present, it's funny how they sometimes think they know your permissions better than you do isn't it!

good bit of film that p. :good:



just heard of a west Yorkshire feo telling a chap he could not shoot deer on good Friday as it classed as a Sunday and game can not be shot on Sunday. :look: :look: :look:

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