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Burris Sako Quad Scope...?


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Wouldn't bother, just make sure you get a scope short enough and with a small enough objective to change barrels without removing it then count the clicks between say your .22LR zero and your .17HMR zero. Two or three changes will soon tell you if the difference between the two zeros is consistent or varies.


You'll get better glass for your money that way.

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Hi there,

Great gun! have one myself. I found myself in the same position. looked at the burris scope (rubbish bad design bad optics)

In the end i bought a bushnell elite 6500 (Average scope)

If you intend getting the HMR barrel. I would recomend fitting a picatinny rail to your action and getting two scopes one zeroed for 22lr one for hmr. the picitiny rail will help you swap scopes in exactly the same place as you will have a set of rings on each scope.

I know this negates the whole purpose of the Quad but after a while i got so fustrated with changing barrels and re-zeroing especially at night.

Now i have 2 Quads so i dont have to swap scopes either.



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