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ratting last night

Lord Geordie

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Well i got asked by a friend to give a hand as his place is over ran with rolands. I spent the morning sorting the gun out zeroing the laser etc and headed to his about 7.30. We had a few coffee's then when the dark started to set in we took a walk to the barn. The cows went out to pasture today so there was no complications. We set ourselves up on the pen fence about 15 yards shy of the old stable doors and lay in wait. After about 20 mins there was a lot of rustling about so my friend turned in his torch and illuminated the stables and god the place was crawling. Laser on nice green dot on roland a squeeze of the trigger and THWACK he was launched about 5 inches off the ground a few leg twitches then that was it. At this point because i was using my Sheridan pro hunter rifle i had to put 5 pumps in and tray up a pellet in the dark (quite an art) and get ready to go again. Light back on and one had it's head popping round a corner taking a gander at us! Big mistake. Bang!!! Roland number 2 had a labotomy .20 style. Again i pumped up the gun trayed another pellet into the breach and we changed position. We set up over a bale of straw looking into an old bricked in stable door and you could see the rats peering through the cracks in the wall. It was like whack a mole lol. Firing through a hole less than an inch in diameter i hit 2 of the *******. But by far the best was one on the feeders. Lamped up like a christmas tree i decided to add some colour 35mW of green laser to be precise and launched roland skyward with a nice lead bauble and a little tinsel for good measure. All in all a cracking night out till my pressure switch on the laser broke. Now i have to source a new switch or a new laser for next time. I am thinking of going the NV route again a cheap nv monocular and a ir laser should make a cracking combo.

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Nice work.

I do love a bit of ratty popping! I remember 3 years ago We had a major rat problem at a farm we had just bought and inside 2 weeks they had eaten the contents of all of the bottom row of meal bags sitting on a pallat.

One afternoon I took the airrifle over and I shot 11 in broad daylight!

Got the rest with poison but it took a few buckets of it, there must of been loads of the *******



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Yeah Garry!


It was the first time I had went shooting in the dark with the laser. It was a good night to be honest but think I need some NV gear to have a better chance.


Have to check out what NV gear there is on the cheap and see if I can use a low powered laser or an IR laser so not to naff the tube.

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