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Heel pads?


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Despite shooting perfectly my new T-bolt has a flat pad on the end of the butt-stock with makes it about a half inch too short for perfect comfort. The butt-stock is of the exact same dimensions of my old CZ varmint but the CZ had a half inch pad at the end of the stock and that is what I preferably need on the T-bolt.


Does anyone know what butt-pad i should get? Looking at sportsman guncentre they've got a whole variety of pads but don't properly show their dimensions, They've even got slip on pads in sizes medium and large without specifying what medium or large actually means!

So, will i be able to buy an off the shelf butt/heel-pad, or is it a visit to the gunsmiths to get one fitted?


Thanks all.

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Pads are generally made ove size and you gring to fit. One of the easiest for first time and best for rimfire were recoil is a non issue are the adjustable ones with a rubber pad and two aluminium plates. Whatever one you choose it will cost a fair bit to have a gunsmith do the work so below is a rough gide to fitting


1. select a suitable pad, make sure when fitted in place you have some overhang all around the circumference.


2. fit pad and draw a line for your stock fit outline, remove pad and grind down to just proud of this line.


3. refit and protect rifle butt with tape, final grind / sand finish to the tape (starting with multiple layers of thicker tape and going down to one very thin one)


Be aware that grinding rubber is very,very messy and wear a mask old clothes etc.

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