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BAM air rifle


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just stripped dowm my .20 uderlever BAM air rifle for a service... low and behold the spring is snapped! :angry: :angry: anywayz i'm tryin to find a new spring for it but my local gun shop tells me i need the serial no from it, i'v checked the rifle but cant find one!!! does any1 have any info on these? i'v googled em and cant even find a website to even identify the rifle!! any help would be greatly appreciated

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If its a BAM 40 the serial number should be on the left side of the air cylinder, betwen the loading port and where the cylinder meets the barrel. The seial number shouldnt be needed though, just the model as there were no changes made through its production.


As Ken says a TX 200 spring is the one. But I would advise against OX. use the titan spring, you will get much better results and do less damage to the inside of your airchamber.



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