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Early start on the bunnies


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Decided on an early start to try and bag some bunnies. My daughter age 10 wanted to come too so off we went, this was her first time out in the field, so I wasn't sure how she would be. Up at 4am and on the permission at 5am. Lovely still morning no breeze and sun just coming over horizon.post-33206-0-55522100-1306006622.jpg We set up the hide that I use for the pigeons near a tree that has a warren within the roots and sat down and waited.Couple of small ones spotted and dispatched quickly with the air rifle, I don't like getting the shotgun out too early in case anyone complains.post-33206-0-11333000-1306007027.jpg

After 8am we decided on a little stroll round the field borders with the 12 gauge to see if we could flush any thing. Five pheasants, one stoat, four woodies and a few rabbits legged it in turn as we wandered round.

Anyway bagged a bolting rabbit as it flew across the field at full pelt :) then missed another as it bolted straight toward a pair of lambs and their mum :no: .

While on our walk we found two lambs stuck fast in the fence, one must have been there a while as it's legs were seriouly stiff after I freed it, but it found it's mum so alls well in the end.

Spotted one more lamb that had been killed overnight ? culprit. I spoke to farmer at the end of the morning to let him know about the lambs we had sorted and the dead one.

Nice morning out just the two of us, and lookin forward to rabbit pie tomorrow..post-33206-0-37607000-1306007157.jpgpost-33206-0-75265100-1306007410.jpg

Going to try and get out again next week but maybe have a drive to Yorkshire to some nppc land.


Cheers all


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