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Stand for a gun

The Sniper

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I have recently bought a Winchester 1400 3 shot semi auto. I'm very happy with the gun, except for its tendency to have the odd jam.


I realised just lately I would like to make some sort of stand that I could use in the hide to stand my gun against while I enjoy the world going by, having a fag, coffee etc etc.


I toyed with all sorts of contraptions until I went in Focus the other day and there was my answer....one of those small plastic clamps......price £1.50,. It works brilliantly.....just attach it to where you want on the hide pole and off you go. No chance of it falling over.


Plus does anybody make pigeon neck props out of those cheap coatangers you can buy for 10 for a pound ?



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colombus polombus, what example are you settin??? those said cheap kebab sticks whilst being vaguely biodegradable should not be thrown in the hedgerow at the end of session, they should be bagged and taken home, they can toll unsaid dangers for the local wildlife etc.... and they also look untidy as they are bright and straight, and they prob arent the best way to impress your local farmer.

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Guest flightline
Greetings Sniper and Welcome to PW


A lot of people use thos cheap bbq kebab sticks for proping up the neck, there cheap and you can just throw them to the bottom of the hedgerow when your done  :devil:  ???  :)

I always take mine home as I`m too mean to throw `em away :D

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