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I walked the dog over our local park last summer and saw the PCSO attempting to deal with a group of nuisance youths (lots of reports of under age drinking, criminal damage etc - typical small village stuff :huh: )


She wasn't getting very far with them and I did feel for her - but then one of them grabbed her hat and then they started the 'piggy in the middle' game - defines belief what these officers have to deal with.


I struggled not to get hands on - but did call the police and request they send some support sharpish. I took a few photos on my phone too - thought it would help investigations. Then I did get involved and appealed to the lads to calm things down before they all finish up being arrested - fortunately they listened and were kept engaged in conversation until the real police arrived.


Net result? No arrests. No cautions. The main two offenders taken home by police. And a complaint from one parent against the guy who photographed their beloved child.


I was thanked for my assistance but also asked to provide assurance that I had deleted all images from my phone.


Sometimes you think it would be easier to just carry on walking. :/

Edited by shoughton
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The pcso in my village is a bit of ooooffttt !! Around 30 I say,slim build, blonde, seems really nice and very surprisingly is single, shame I don't think she'd go for a 21yr old haha otherwise I work at the same place as another, an he's a complete ****


She is most welcome, to inspect my cabinet :yes: :yes:

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