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Not quite what I was after


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I went out at stupid o'clock this morning after a Muntjack that insists on chewing up the barley field and annoying the farmer in the process.


I loaded up the truck with the .223 and, as I knew there would be a few bunnies about, I put in the .22lr.


I arrived on the start of the permission, set up both rifles, then began cruising the hedge line looking for suitable quarry.


As I got to the entrance to the main field I slowed down, knowing that there would be a few bunnies about, and I wasn’t disappointed.


Up came the .22, across the wing mirror, and the first one in the bag.

50yds and down without a twitch.


I looked along the hedge line and they were all lined up like ducks at the fair ground, but within a few seconds I was all alone.


I pressed on, missing two more opportunities, and finally got to the area where the Muntjack resides,


only to be confronted by lots of bunnies.


I picked up the field glasses, and they were everywhere, and as I was looking at those furthest away (126yds), the flippin Muntjack strolled across my FOV, deftly hopping into cover whilst I just stared at it through the glasses.


Thinking that was it, I settled on a morning of pest control.


Back came the LR again, and I picked off the nearest bunny, which was close to fifty yards.

The bunnies close to it did a runner, but those from eighty to 120 were still out.


I decided that one at 80yds was the best shot, lined it up,


only to see another Muntjack walk across the top of my FOV,


so just out of annoyance I popped the 80yds bunny, then picked the next one that was daft enough to still be sat out, which happened to be 110yds.


So not five minutes sat on this section of the shoot and I already have three in the bag.


This went on for the next hour, with the bunnies reappearing every five minutes or so, only to have their numbers reduced.


I ended the morning with eight from this spot, ranges between 20 and 120yds, four from another, and the one at the entrance, I saw two Munties, two hares, a fox and a small badger.



I went to another field to paunch the bunnies.


As I pulled onto the field I saw more bunnies in the next field, so up with the glasses and see if there were any clear shots, which there were.


I lowered the glasses, and turned to pick up the .223 (as the next field is 154yds away, and the bunnies were well inside it), only to be surprised when another Muntjack stepped out of the shrubs literally in front of the truck.


I became mister slow mo, and managed to get the .223 up and out of the window, chambered a round, and he was still there, just edgily but nonchalantly walking away from me.


I levelled the rifle, and blew him a kiss, which stopped him, but he was still only ten yards from the truck and I had set the focus to 100yds.


I slowly made the adjustment, and got him clear in my sights, but he was moving away again, so another kiss stopped him in his tracks, and with a seconds pause,,,,


I put the shot straight under him (he wasn’t that big and I was rushing).



Now he must have been deaf, as all he did was pick up his ears then drop his head in that enquiring way they do, then, after a few seconds, turn and continue on his way, but a little quicker.


No matter what I did he was not stopping again (there is always another day).



A good morning, and a major improvement to the normal bag of three to five I had been getting of late.


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