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Mossberg 9200


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I recently acquired a used Mossberg 9200 semi-auto 12g. i have put about 750 cartridges through it and find it reliable and it seems to shoot where i want it to!

I was just wondering if anyone else on here has, or has had one of these, and what did you think?

All comments, good or bad appreciated, Cheers chaps, Neil.

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Ive got one of these and its a good gun.

When i got it, it was a bit jammy, but stripped it right down, straitened a few bits and gave everthing a good clean and lubrication.

Now it cycles everytime right down to 24gram loads.

Got a gunsmith mate to make a 'Moderator' for it and engineered it to be removed so the gun can be used with or without the mod.

The gun cycles most subsonic carts down to 28gram and is 'oh so Quiet', with the gun making more of a 'futt' than a 'bang'.

Pm me if you fancy a mod for yours?.




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