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Benelli M2 Comfortec


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Give me a few reasons why i should definitely by this semi-auto


Mainly for Duck, the odd geese days, foreshore and and for the fox that creeps up behind the hilux when my mate is "squeaking one in" in the distance


I've been researching online but tell it like it is, can't find a bad review anywhere??


Prefer the black synthetic to the APG ones


What they like to shoot?




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I have just bought a benelli SBE pretty much the same as m series I have to say think it's fantastic much lighter than the beretta SA I tried and more pointable I seem to shoot higher scores with it to! Patterned it and less clumping than my old OU also. Looks like I'll be shooting it a lot and hide work and wetland keep the OU for missing pheasants!!!

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Thanks for the replies lads, looks like it's a goer.


Never used a semi-auto before apart from a few shots on the clays with an old one but the amount of shooting I'm picking up lately I'm not wanting to wreck my grade 5 miroku on fence posts and whin bushes to name but a few hazards





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I've had an M2 for a couple of seasons now for Wildfowling primarily, it's been covered in mud, cow****, been soaked through a few times and has still been utterly faultless, you have to be careful not to knock the butt though as it won't fire as the bolt comes back a smidge......not a fault as such but i've heard a few owners, including a mate with a SBE2, comment on this. They are light, pointable and really quite bullet proof, if the gun fits you i'd say you can't go wrong. They are recoil heavy but when you're shooting you won't notice it :good: , excellent gun.


I've put all sorts of cartridge though mine from 28grm/65mm upwards and can't remember suffering a jam.

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Just checked and apparently it's not an M2 Comfortec, just a Comfortec? , 28" barrel & I believe it's an older model but what the hell, at least it will have a few cycles through it. Dealer says it's mint so I think i'll go for it.


I'll let you know how I get on.


Cheers for the replies



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