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Barley with mutt


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I had a sit for half an hour in the car at the side of some standing barley fields today and watched pigeons piling into 2 blown areas, one approx' 25 yards in from the side where i'd be able to set up easier with the benefit of a little cover from behind (hawthorn)...'tis barley though not wheat and i've heard it said barley is especially bad for the mutley? I'm in two minds as the birds really seem to be giving the fields a far old wallop but the blown area is ideal 'Roob territory' as she'd be in and out in a flash, unlike me lumbering through the crop............i'm hardly elf like :)


Dog or not?

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A barley horn just about killed one of my dogs, it worked its way down through her system casuing temporary blockages until it finally got stuck, it virtually trashed her guts & she was very lucky to survive.


Thanks PERCE........i've since found out, and been advised, it's a definate no no. She'll be at home sulking if I decide to go :good:

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