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Representing country sports


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I was manning a display at the Rempstone steam and counry show today and also tomorrow for Leicestershire County Council and our display was opposite the League Against Cruel Sports.


It struck me that there were 3 people at their display and were asking people to sign their petition and were very busy throughout the day.


This got me thinking about country sports (or 'cruel' sports as the poster of a concerned looking Bill Oddie would have it)

LACS have the foot soldiers and dedication to attend these small country events which have nothing to do with what they campaign against which leads to the question...


Do oranisations like BASC and Countryside Alliance ever display at regular (non shooting) country events?

It seems that the uninformed public are only receiving one side of a very envocative coin.

It looks as though LACS are doing more campaigning with joe public whilst our organisations are forgetting about the small victories? :hmm:


Please prove me wrong - but outside of game fairs I cant remember the last time I saw representation from our side of the fence, and I've worked a lot of shows

are there any reps from either organisation here with any insight?


I would have had a polite discussion with them but wearing a name badge with the police logo on it I thought I'd better keep my nose out of it :look:

Edited by fo5ter
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The BASC and Countryside Alliance attend most County Shows and Game Fairs that I have been to and I have seen other groups representing and/or showing ferrets, hawks, Gamekeepers, Game breeders, gundogs, etc.


I think that whereas LACS and the like have a very broad brush approach (shooting, bullfighting, dog fighting, angling, etc) , "our" organisations have a more specialised approach, we don't have one all encompassing organisation.


I also think that the LACS convert nobody at these shows and I doubt that the BASC, or any similar organisation, would either.

Most of the people that attend the representative stands are already supporters or members.

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