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gas ram


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well it wouldnt be a fair experiment, as i have no readings before the conversion(it was a brand new gun) but i get around 11.2ft/lb with my .22 strut in my bsa lightning.


i put a .177 gas ram in a .22 bsa lightning i was told the power would go over the 12flb but i risked it because the power was only 10.2flb with the spring, the power increased to just below 12flb. but that was using AA field. on the other hand if bisley magnums were to be used i reacon it would have pushed it up to 13/14 flb, it really aint worth it for the bit of extra power. that bit more power isnt going to make no differance to your shooting anyway. if you want more power your best off getting a firearms licence and buying a rimfire, you'll have alot better results without the hassle from the plod.





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