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MRSP - infection

darren m

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my younger springer bitch as had her other cruciate operation done now , it finally snapped a few months ago.

shes had another TTO with steel plate and screws

what a nightmare its been , stitches have come out yesterday , but shes got some sort of infection that antibiotics are,nt touching.

the vet took a swab and it came back as MRSP -- methicillin resistant staphylococcus pseudintermedius.


any one had dealings with this before


thank you

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1. Try not to worry


Staph pseudointermedius is the doggy version of Staph aureus, a normal commensal bacteria of canine and human skin, respectively.


Methicillin is an antibiotic that is used as a marker for resistance. Some of these samples that come back as MRSP are actually MRSA and the lab has made a mistake. What we need to know is the other antibiotics the bug is sensitive too, the doggy ones tend to have a few other antibiotics that kill them and a course of one of them and the dog should be fine.


Let me know how you get on

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Yea, on of my Huskys had a resistant strain infection in her ear, which quickly tracked to her throat and nasal passages, we were insured and were prescribed some very expensive drugs after a sensitivity, it took a long time to clear up, euthanasia was an option at one point.


Just make sure you do exactly as your vet says to do, it should work out... :good:

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thanks guys the lab report i have reads:-

resistant to all these antibiotics :-









potentiated sulphonamides





is there any antibiotic that would work to kill it off


thanks again

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the dog seems fine and the wound or scar is healing nicely.

i still put her collar on at night as a precaution in case she tried to nibble at it although her stitches are out, but to be honest apart from her rehab she seems like normal.

although she is nibbleing and biting her feet like crazy , till they are red , dont know what the cause of this is .

where not back at the ortho vet till next monday

i,m not sure what to do , wether to seek another opinion from another vet or wait


i just hope with the infection the metal plate and screws will not be rejected :no:

Edited by darren m
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