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Cost of barrel repair?


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I've just picked up a cheap .410 S/S Falco, the only downside is that 1 barrel has been damaged at some point in the past, and has been crudely repaired, so that the left barrel isnt lined up with the right barrel.

A repair will mean the removal of the bead end braze, bending the barrels straight(or lining them up correctly), then a possible reproof.

Any idea of the cost of this?


Maybe just leave it as is, and aim a little lower for the 2nd shot?


Considering this will be a little used gun, I'd rather keep the cost down a bit.

Any thoughts?



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It doesn't sound like it will be cheap to repair. I think that you should have probably passed on it.

I paid £100, which is half price or less of the same model gun according to a number of them on guntrader.co.uk, I used it for the first time today, and, contrary to everyones expectations, I got 22/50 on a sporting course - I usually get ~35 with the 12 bore, so I reckon 22 is bloody good when I'm only firing 11 grams of lead!

I've left it with the shop today, just to get a quote on a barrel alignment, They say bars will be fitted down the barrels, then it'll be twisted level, but they dont know if it'll need re-proofing.They dont do repairs themselves, but a chap comes in on Tuesdays, I've said I'd go up to £75 to fix it, over that, and it isnt worth it.


As for shooting a 410, then it is quite good - seeing clays break with it is also rather nice.I'd recommend trying one, there is virtually no recoil, but it was noisier than I expected, though I reckon it could be used without earplugs.


I'm going to try it for a few more weeks, and see how i get on, I can only think that it would improve my shooting.


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As a follow up to this, the gun was picked up from the shop this AM, and although I only asked for a quote, it was repaired, luckily at a total cost of only £45.

Apparently a previous owner/cowboy has cut off around 2 inch at some time in the past, than resoldered/brazed the barrels back together, and not had it set right when brazing, hence the barels were twisted in relation to each other.

Re-soldered/aligned and reblued for £45, with a same day service, so I dont think I've done too badly with this one.


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I took it into Kibworth Gun shop, Leics., and a chap called 'Graham' does all their repairs.Someone else has said he does it rather cheap, a Miroku was misfiring(or firing without much pressure on the trigger), and he fitted some new parts to the trigger, along with new springs, all for under £50.

He also does gun fitting, where the wood is steamed then bent up/down for £50.


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