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Crow Control

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We are plagued by crows/jackdaws on our shoot.

I need a foolproof way to remove large volumes of them - do you remove them and what is your principle reason?

Rooks we know seem to be beneficial but the rest just seem to eat the pheasant feed.

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As mentioned in an earlier post rooks are best controled with ladder traps, or shooting branchers as they emerge from the nests in May. I dont know about hoodie crows but carrion crows are a sucker for Larsen traps in the Spring. Once you have call bird and start moving the traps around your ground form one crow's territory to anothers the younger birds especially cannot help themselves but they are down to investigate PDQ. Carrion crows and wild game birds do not mix, every spring along the river bank where I fish not shoot there are always plenty pheasant and duck egg shells which crows have taken from nests.



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