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Swiss arms

cant hit rabbits 123

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Afternoon chaps. I popped into a local RFD yesterday and bought myself a Swiss Arms air rifle. I went in, asked to see a rifle that was around the £100 mark that would be good for pigeons (for the times I can't use a shotgun) and targets to replace the sadly almost unusable Webley. He handed me a Swiss Arms rifle, for dead on £100. It has fibreoptic sights on it, dovetails for scope mounts and fully adjustable rear sights! (You must understand, this is a luxury when coming from a 60's Webley) The chap told me it was close to the full power mark and would be good for pigeons. So, I handed over the cash and had a play today. It certainly seems to be full power, taking chunks out of the backstop.


I'm not great in the world of current airguns, so what is the maker like production quality wise? It looks excellently made from the ouside, just wondering if the long term was good?

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Checking SMK Web Site - http://sportsmk.co.uk/category/airguns-rifles/


States it's a BB Gun - not Pellets


BB's are not suitable for Hunting -


Smooth bore Barrel for Balls and limited Range


Might hole a Can but not enough energy to Stop a Air Gun Vermin


SMK's are top overal Sellers


Reported in Trade to Outsell most of Brands put together


Mainly on Price - As made in China



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Swiss Arms do make normal air rifles...



Swiss Arms SA2 Break Barrel Air Gun .177cal - Fiber Optic Front Sight-Adjustable Rear Sight-Rifled Precision Barrel-Adjustable Trigger-Single Cocking System New for 2010 Single Shot Adult

Model: Swiss Arms 1000 air rifle

Caliber: .177

Velocity: up to 1000 fps

Weight: 6.83 lbs

Overall Length: 42.52

Cocking Effort : 37 lbs

Action: Single Shot, Spring Piston Break Barrel

Barrel: Rifled Steel

Finish: Blued

Front Sight: Green Fiber Optic

Rear Sight: Red, Two Dot Fiber Optic

Scope Rail: 11mm Grooved Receiver

Stock: Walnut Stained Hardwood

Safety: Manual

Buttplate: Rubber

Warranty: 1 Year Usage : Small Game Hunting / Informal Plinking

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