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pest contro; courses?????

taxidermy dave

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im looking into becoming a pest controler(not just shootable pests!)just wondering if any one does this and how you go about getting into it,courses ,prices,legal side of things???


any help would be appreciated


thanks dave


There is a college somewhere in herts that does this course. I'll try to remember where....

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im looking into becoming a pest controler(not just shootable pests!)just wondering if any one does this and how you go about getting into it,courses ,prices,legal side of things???


any help would be appreciated


thanks dave


The British Pest Control Association based in Derby is the main source of information.

They run the examination system and will keep you informed about training courses.

Most people get trained by one of the Pest Control companies that they work for and are eligible to sit the exams after a year or so's experience.

Rentokil have a good training scheme and pay quite well.

Most pest control is about Public Health Pests. Rats, mice and roaches. If you want shooting and vermin stuff, you need to look at Gamekeeping courses and their NVQ. :lol:

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