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Sporting shooter give away - cartridge choice


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hello all,

after picking up this months sporting shooter i noticed thier competiton in which you can win a Webley Semi auto and eley pigeon cartridges, unless they have changed the cartridge length recently they are a 67mm case, a case which often fails to cycle effectivley through modern autos, my new one wont and my old Webley 812 mark 1 wouldnt either, youd be pretty dissapointed if you won the comp and were plagued with jams on a pigeon day that you had won :oops:


Personally i think eley are missing a trick here, i put them through my O/U and they are damn good carts but i know several people who shoot with autos and wont use them because of the issue with jams due to case size

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Im sure they would have tested the gun and carts together before putting them up for grabs together in a competition otherwise it would just be madness!!


My escort and my webley i had loved 67mm carts never had any problems :good:

LOL its a magazine the free give away's are just sent by the sponsor i doubt anything got tested but perhaps either highland outdoors or eley in their own test procedures have tried that combo.

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Must be honest my Escort won't entertain them, possibly down to not being used a huge amount, would imagine after some heavier use the action may loosen up a bit, my old Webley definatley wouldn't. I know Armsan manufacture the new Webleys and are better quality than the old ones so maybe there is hope

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