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another sucesful nights shooting

guerrilla podge

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well guys just in from doing a spot of lamping with my brother and a mate of ours. it was a very frustrating night seen plenty of foxes but couldnt get much shooting every fox that we saw either came in using the wind or stoped on the brow of a hill etc. it was looking as if it was just going to be one of those nights. but we persisted on anyway and managed a nice bag of three for the night. our mate was doing the shooting tonight with his remmington .223 :good::D some good shooting. and nice foxes to.




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That's not too bad mate, 3 less to worry about! That fox in the bottom photo looks like it has a good clean set of teeth on it but they wont be chewing any more poults will they!

Well done! :good:

yeah he was a healthy dog alright delighted to get him at last he has been out smarting us for a few months but last night was his last :yes: . he was only two fields away from my house a bit to close for my likeing especially with my poultry plus my uncles sheep.

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