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the last engineer

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just a note to a few, Gibby, sorry i didnt get in touch, unfourtunatly my schedule went out the window saturday night ( 29th april) when the old man was run off the road by some drunken ****, car was written off but the old fella is okay so down to one car then, mossy thanks for the note got it when i returned.

L.B. the disc is on its way, didnt get the address till i got back, let Nick have a gander as well.


the trip on whole was a trying time hnot much on the hols side, trying to light a fire up my youngest's *** and get him employed, the ex has the influence of a bookend, the oldest is now applying for sponcership here with me, looking forward to that at least.


all the family are fine, shows what four years will do to people, how we all age :) .


did go shooting once with my boys my brother and brother in law, had the loan of a winchester 101 which promptly fell apart on the second station, fore-end split in two, love duc tape, finished the round with the thing taped up :yes: .


as to the home town of Bristol,,,,,,, someone should give a guy a broom, the place is falling apart, or being knocked down, or both, quite the eyeopener, house prices have gone through the stupid level, how do the young kids afford one :yes:??


oh before i forget, welcome to the 18,000 Somalians now living off Bristol,,,, sorry i meant in Bristol

it seems the locals (africans, pakistans, indians and Bristolians) are a little concerned about gangs and street violence go figure none of them are working :o??.


so back home here now, working hard making a living, abiding by the Canadian way dig dig dig :)

off to las vegas for the long weekend shoot a few auto's if poss, see how it goes .




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