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Its difficult as management depends on the ground. Are you realy talking management or stalking? Trees and deer by Richard prior deals with forestry deer management all species and Roe deer management and stalking by the same authour deals directly with Roe.


isbn 1 85310 4329 and isbn 1 84037 138 2 respectively

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Well I suppose I partly mean stalking and partly management. I have been asked a few times now by farmers I shoot for if I shoot deer, which I don't, but I'd like to get into it. In my quest to learn about the art of deer stalking and management I would like to learn which deer should be culled and which should be left as to improve the quality and health of the remaining deer rather than just kill the first deer that shows it's self. What too look for as regards to quality and health of the deer and whether it should be culled or not.

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I've got a hardbacked copy of "Management of deer and their habitat - Principles and methods" by A.J.De Nahlik going spare if it is of any use to you. I can't remember where I got it, no doubt a charity shop or similar but it is in very good condition. If you think it is of use to you send me your full postal details and I will get it in the post to you at the week-end.

I don't want anything for it and I will pay the postage, in return, when you get it (If you want it) you might like to put a little something in a charity box of your choice!

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Frenchie, yet again you have just proved you're one of the most generous members on this forum. I will certainly take you up on your kind offer and pm you my details. Do you have any preference as the the charity or seeing as it's remembrance day this week are you happy with a donation to that?

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Well I suppose I partly mean stalking and partly management. I have been asked a few times now by farmers I shoot for if I shoot deer, which I don't, but I'd like to get into it. In my quest to learn about the art of deer stalking and management I would like to learn which deer should be culled and which should be left as to improve the quality and health of the remaining deer rather than just kill the first deer that shows it's self. What too look for as regards to quality and health of the deer and whether it should be culled or not.


ok the roe book as suggested or as another ecomendation very suited to your needs Stalker training manual by st huberts club of gt britian isbn 0-9542107-0-0. This book gives you every bit of info you need and nothing you don't without prejudices

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Andy mate, I will try to find time to post it today, it is wrapped and ready to go! I don't have any preference towards which charity donations go to, everyone has their own preferences. There is a thread in the "Off Topic" section about a disabled poppy colector that was mugged (These thieving ba****ds who do things like this want their hands chopping off) and I see that a page has just been started for him on "Just Giving", maybe it would be a nice jesture to show our support for him by donating to that, but it's entirely up to you mate!

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