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what light for 17hmr&.22-250

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Any advise anydody on what sort of scope mounted lamp for a 17hmr & a 22-250, can't get a lamper when you need one. :hmm:


I put this reply up last nite, as I lamp for a mate with his 22.250 and he uses the big LF lamp with a 100 watt bulb and red filter, I have seen him down foxs out at the 250 range.


(I have a light force 170 (scope mounted) set it up the other night and was horrified with the result in the scope. The lamp is great and gives a nice beam; however the height from the clamp to the centre of the lamp causes the scope to pick up the light at source. We did some tests with a mate holding the light and lifting it until the scope became clear and a target out at 200 yards was nice and sharp.

The second test was using the lamp in a hand held position with it around 3 feet off to one side; it too was clear with no light pollution in the scope.

So today I machined and fitted an extension to the lamp and what a difference, I took it around to a mate to check it over and he commented on how he had struggled when he fitted the same lamp to one of is rifles, but on his 17hmr with a different scope it worked well. Granted his working distance with the 17 is a 100yds!

I would suggest you try and borrow a lamp and find a nice clear night and do an honest test out at a distance in your comfort zone to save being disappointed)



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