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crayfish trapper


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a few of you will know about the herts/essex crayfishing that's been going on lately, and the dilema on wether to contact the EA or not, well a few of us went about it as legally possible as we could, there was talk of bringing in charges next year, but on a recent telephone conversation with the EA, they informed me these plans had been scrapped, I therefore sent in my application for next year, as the tags I have only lasted till the end of 2011.

they (EA) phoned me last week, saying they had recieved the application and would hold onto it until january before processing, and also asked a few questions about the number of drop nets I use, and the new stretch of river that I had applied for, double the length of this years area (as dicussed with bakerboy) well, my christmas has come early, my new tags dropped through the letterbox this morning, 8 new tags, with the full area asked for, dated from november this year, until december 2014 :D


as the forcast for this week is tempretures rising, maybe I will just have another bash before chrimbo

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