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having alittle bit of trouble with moles at the moment at my permissions tryed trapping them got a couple but theres way to many feilds to trap does anybody gas them as iv been asked to get rid of them quickish. does anybody know were to get the gas pellets from?

was thinking about giving this ago http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pe1efTkkzaY

or getting one of thesehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgztUzqaL3E&feature=related

Edited by northeastshooter
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believe the rodenator is illegal to use in UK due to some naff 'lets just do something to shut the antis up' law and tbh i cant really see why you would want to use one anyway because you'd end up doing more damage then the mole

I'd suggest that if you cant trap them then give mole smokes a try - you can buy them from most garden centres - never tryed them myself but I rekon if you shoved a couple down there it would clear them out :hmm:

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theyll just collapse the runs and dig on,dont think thall work.best best is plenty of traps,a few in each run,might be hundreds of tumps,but probably only a handful of moles.they do take time,but do it now cos they be breeding soon. :good: ,check traps every morn first light,take shotgun,and tread lightly,keep n eye on tumps for fresh ones,and any movement shoot tump from above,makes it a lot quicker than traps alone.once you had a mole in an area,flaten tumps down so you know if theres more there,you ll also know where their workong and where traps need to be placed then. :yes:

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