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Plans for a fox live trap

Yorkshire Pudding

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Yorkie, just take a look at a rat/squirrel/ rabbit/ mink trap and scale up. The bigger the better. In my opinion the commercially available traps are too small. They probably work fairly well in an urban environment or around buildings.


Ours are made up from sheets of eight by four, two inch weld mesh welded to an angle frame. They are permanently sited in "hot spots" and left to naturalise. We only use them in the winter when the foxes are hungry, the bait just doesn't last at the moment.


They are triggered by a length of snare wire attached to the bait pulling a bolt from a hole and releasing the door. The door must lock when it shuts, those self locking gate catches work well.


We catch a few, enough to make it worth using them, just another angle of attack.


Have you considered using snares? A lot less expense and hassle and in most settings more likely to get a result.


Hope this helps a bit.

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