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dj fox call


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went out last night to do a spot of fox control. as i got into the truck my mate said he had been and bought a fox call, i Thort nothing of it and we carried on. after a while we spotted a fox, it ran as soon as the lamp come on so we moved on and come back to the spot 45 min later. we spotted a pair of eyes maybe 120 yards in some long grass in a dip at the base of a tree. i sat on the window with the rifle across the roof trying to get an id. all as i could see was eyes so i got my mate to try his call. the only way i can describe the sound is like a rusty seagull. what a racket fox didn't take a blind bit of notice. it was a wooden call, 3 1/2- 4 inch in length and had a small hole in the side. dose any pw members have one or used one with any success. i think the name was DJ.

i didn't shoot the fox btw i couldn't get a proper id until it moved behind a hedge.

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