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td5 heater problem


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Temp gauge will still work as normal, check the top hose if it hot and the bottom one is cold chances are its the stat.


heater matrix is located in the cab, behind the heater controls, a bitch to change if it needs to come out.


2 pipes go to it of the engine,see if one of these is hot , if ones hot and the other is cold then the matrix is blocked, try flush it out before you take it out.


money is on the stat though.

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This morning while on my way to work the temp gauge was showing normal temperature but still no hot air from the blowers then all of a sudden the temp gauge dropped to zero and a red light came on. I pulled in at work and there was no water in the header tank. Filled that up with 50/50 water anti freeze mix and it seems to be ok now. Temp gauge back to normal and hot air again. Hopefully I'm not losing water anywhere.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well after 4 weeks my car is finally fixed. I had a new radiator fitted which seemed to work at first but then I noticed it was still leaking water slightly which turned out to be the radiator top hose. All seems to be working perfectly now though, it just took a while to get there. That's the problem with getting mates to sort your car out though I suppose. Cheers for the replies guys.

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Well after 4 weeks my car is finally fixed. I had a new radiator fitted which seemed to work at first but then I noticed it was still leaking water slightly which turned out to be the radiator top hose. All seems to be working perfectly now though, it just took a while to get there. That's the problem with getting mates to sort your car out though I suppose. Cheers for the replies guys.


I had the same problem last week. Used the Disco all day, heater fine, went out in the evening and no heat. Temp gauge up, then down and warning light on. Topped up got 5 miles same prob, this time I could see water leaking out underneath engine bay. Got transported home and then the following morning to the garage, turned out to be the top hose. They showed it to me, it's rather long with pipes off of it and a small one has rubbed against the bottom of the radiator which over time pierced it. Evidently this is a common fault and there's a little wire bracket now that just holds the small pipe away from anything likely to damage it. Might be as well to check the little mod has been done.

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