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Cold and clean


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I wasn't sure weather to put this in reloading or guns but either would probably do. I try as a rule to sight in {after finding a load that fills my accuracy requirements}then clean the rifle thoroughly and return to the range and see where it shoots cold and clean because that is usually the condition you will be shooting under when your first opportunity( and maybe only) in the field occurs. Some barrels hammer them right in there where they did fouled and warm but more often they will throw the first shot then settle down. A great number of bench rest shooters fire a "fouling round" before shooting serious groups and they are shooting match grade hand lapped barrels. Usually it is not a great amount off but it could be enough to make a miss on a small target.Some guns seem to shoot best when dirty (perhaps throat wear ?} and shoot best after 10-15 shots are taken. It is best to find out what your barrel likes best before going afield, particularly if your reputation as a shooter is on the line!!

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i always zero my 30-06 with a cold and clean barrel before i take it down to the mainland deer stalking because as you say the shot that is taken at a deer, for example, is from a cold barrel. if i was to shoot 10 shots at a target, the POI would creep up as the barrel warmed up, its not much and would probably make no differance to my shooting at all, its just something i do. however i zero my .223 and dont worry if the barrel is slightly warm and dirty because most of the shooting i do with the .223 is quite intensive and fast, the parks here are small and crawling with rabbits. i have just come in a few minutes ago after being out with the lamp, shot 12 rabbits in 20-25 minutes, 5 of them were shot one after the other as quick as i could work the bolt, so the barrel was probably quite hot at that point. i cant say i have noticed much difference with the .223 if the barrel is clean or dirty, POI seems to stay the same.

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i always zero my 30-06 with a cold and clean barrel before i take it down to the mainland deer stalking because as you say the shot that is taken at a deer, for example, is from a cold barrel. if i was to shoot 10 shots at a target, the POI would creep up as the barrel warmed up, its not much and would probably make no differance to my shooting at all, its just something i do. however i zero my .223 and dont worry if the barrel is slightly warm and dirty because most of the shooting i do with the .223 is quite intensive and fast, the parks here are small and crawling with rabbits. i have just come in a few minutes ago after being out with the lamp, shot 12 rabbits in 20-25 minutes, 5 of them were shot one after the other as quick as i could work the bolt, so the barrel was probably quite hot at that point. i cant say i have noticed much difference with the .223 if the barrel is clean or dirty, POI seems to stay the same.


I commend you on your taking time to shoot and check before dropping the pin on a game animal!!

I don't clean my Varmint guns after every hunt(which is us usally every day) but do try to keep the round count under 20 on the fast steppers. It sure helps your confidence to know where the first one is going on a cold morning!!

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I commend you on your taking time to shoot and check before dropping the pin on a game animal!!

I don't clean my Varmint guns after every hunt(which is us usally every day) but do try to keep the round count under 20 on the fast steppers. It sure helps your confidence to know where the first one is going on a cold morning!!



for the .223 i reload 50 rounds at a time, prep brass one night then the following night, finish load up the brass then clean rifle. i have never noticed any difference with the .223 from the first shot through to the 50th, should probably clean it more than that :blush:

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Some barrels shoot just fine when dirty and some barrels just don't seem to foul bad at all. The .223 is not known to be a bad fouler or particularly hard on barrels. I have over 1500 rounds through my .223 and the lands stand up like new after cleaning when I look at the throat of the barrel. The Swift on the other hand still shoots great but the throat has some obvious wear after as many rounds.

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