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Newbie looking for permissions/experience.

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Hi to all,


As the subject title suggests, i am looking for an experienced shooter to mentor me and "take me under their wing" no pun intended, i have an FAC/SGC i am a full member of a club (target shooting) and would really appreciate someone to be kind enough to allow me to accompany them on their permission and show me the ropes.


I have tried to gain my own permissions,with no success and some have said i am going to struggle because i have no experience in the field,so i hope someone will understand my dilema,i can't gain the experience until i am offered the chance to gain the "experience".


If anyone is interested in giving me a trial,i would be very grateful and appreciative of your time, i will respect your permissions wishes as yours and abide by whatever rules are applicable,i am also a member of BASC and have insurance cover.


I am based in north manchester,but would be prepaired to travel to gain this valuable opportunity and experience to benefit my new found shooting passion/hobby.


Please PM me or post if you can help me out,


Thank you for taking the time to read my request.


Best Regards,



Edited by Hamsta
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Hi to all,


As the subject title suggests, i am looking for an experienced shooter to mentor me and "take me under their wing" no pun intended, i have an FAC/SGC i am a full member of a club (target shooting) and would really appreciate someone to be kind enough to allow me to accompany them on their permission and show me the ropes.


I have tried to gain my own permissions,with no success and some have said i am going to struggle because i have no experience in the field,so i hope someone will understand my dilema,i can't gain the experience until i am offered the chance to gain the "experience".


If anyone is interested in giving me a trial,i would be very grateful and appreciative of your time, i will respect your permissions wishes as yours and abide by whatever rules are applicable,i am also a member of BASC and have insurance cover.


I am based in north manchester,but would be prepaired to travel to gain this valuable opportunity and experience to benefit my new found shooting passion/hobby.


Please PM me or post if you can help me out,


Thank you for taking the time to read my request.


Best Regards,



Hey ham

if you want to go upto our shoot Sunday 'clays', give me a pm


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