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am I missing something?


I have an Air Arms S410 Xtra FAC .22 using Bisley mags (21grain) - Power 31ft/lbs - scope height 2" - Zero'd at 50yds - mag 12


My rifle has adjustable power and to amuse myself (no other reason) I wondered if instead of using 1 mildot holdunder at say 30yds, I could decrease the power to keep a target on the crosshairs.


Common sense dictates that if you reduce the power, a pellet of this weight is going to drop earlier and thus lower the POI.


I have just used Chairgun to test out my theory and it shows that I would have even more holdunder, meaning that the POI has got higher....


Im confused :hmm:


What am I missing ???



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That's because you are probably still zeroed at 50 yards and a slower pellet will have a loopier trajectory meaning the barrel will have to be MORE inclined to get the pellet to the target, more incline = more holdover at mid range.



Yes I get it now....By reducing the power Im trying to achieve a zero at 30yds



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