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Quick mooch before work


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I haven't been out stalking much of late, so I took the opportunity to have a quick walk about before work.

The land has been well rested so I was expecting to see a few despite the cool wind.

Got into the woods a bit and in about 20 minutes saw 2 roebucks, 1 doe, 4 muntjac and 2 foxes.

I didn't want to get too close up on the roe as I have done that before and spooked the muntjac that I am there to control :oops: But got close enough to one of the bucks for these pictures.


Not the best pictures as it is hard to get the camera to not auto focus on trees.


The muntjac were having none of it so as I made my way back to the car and bumped into one of the foxes, now deceased. I will go back at the weekend to see if I can find the other one.


All in all not bad way to start the day.


P1030280 (Medium).JPG


P1030284 (Medium).JPG

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No fox about this morning, but couldn't stop bumping into roe, 10 in total mostly young bucks.


I had no intention of shooting any which probably explains why I saw so many :rolleyes:


Young doe no more than 20 yards away




Apparently there are 4 roe in this picture, 4 wandered off as they were winded anyway.

They are masters of camouflage



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Indeed. I will go back Saturday and hopefully catch up with the second fox.


Both bucks I saw have a bit of potential, not massive but OK.

Needless to say they will be nowhere to be seen come 1st April :rolleyes:

I think you might need the deer magnet in tow ;)


I take it the estate is still in the same hands then?

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