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Maize VS Rape

Matt Gould

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hello just interested to know what brings the bigger bags and what food source decoys birds harder ???? maize or rape :hmm:

Pigeons go mad for maize, especially at this time of year. That's why it is more common for big bags on maize than on rape. It also helps that pigeons have only a small area to feed on- perhaps a couple of acres on a maize strip- compared with the huge acreage of some rape fields. This will mean you are set up exactly where the pigeons are feeding on the maize, rather than them choosing to go to the other end of the rape field that you're on.

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Pigeons go mad for maize, especially at this time of year. That's why it is more common for big bags on maize than on rape. It also helps that pigeons have only a small area to feed on- perhaps a couple of acres on a maize strip- compared with the huge acreage of some rape fields. This will mean you are set up exactly where the pigeons are feeding on the maize, rather than them choosing to go to the other end of the rape field that you're on.



i guess the pigeons come in small groups onto maize rather than 500 in one flock on rape :hmm:

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