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Hi Kyle, Think it's time to get out and about mate, start chappin doors...there MUST be plenty farmers about the FORT looking for someone to help get rid of vermin...:)

Make up some calling cards, and carry them with you too,.I got a couple of permissions through my "calling cards"....little " advertising flyers" can help too, theres plenty info about the internet on how to make one up...

BUT, I would advise joining BASC or some other assoc first, as that will give you 3rd Party Public Liability insurance,AND great HELPFUL advice... which will help you big time, no farmer wants you shooting on their land, and mibbes damaging plant,buildings etc, if you have Public Liability, you'll be covered..:)


Good luck mate.. :good:

Edited by Norrie
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cheers big man managed to get one but doesnt have much pests on it quite a few crows though but will use it for target practice i know the farmer quite well so that helpd lol if ur ever needing a hand with anything down ur way just give me a shout.

cheers pal :good:


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