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Release pen location dilemma


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Our newly formed syndicate has a dilemma of where to site the pen for our ex-layers this year. One location is a little wood with plenty of trees south facing on a slope at the bottom of a tiny valley, but is on the boundary of our ground. The other is a un-used patch of flat grassland surrounded by a banked high hedge with several tree's and also a few tree's where the corners meet, this is central to our ground and at the highest point but not particuly well sheltered as the wood. The main problem here is lack of tree's/cover, but i suppose we could plant some tree's for future years. I know neither of these locations are ideal but we have to make do with what land is available to us.

Which location would be best?

Any help much appreciated.

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Hi mate, you've got to offer them some shelter so I'd say location1 I understand your problem tho mate. I'm not sure on what numbers your talking could you net your pen? I'd also wing clip just to keep them in the pen as long as poss. Maybe trickle a few out now and then rather than releasing the whole lot.

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Hi mate, you've got to offer them some shelter so I'd say location1 I understand your problem tho mate. I'm not sure on what numbers your talking could you net your pen? I'd also wing clip just to keep them in the pen as long as poss. Maybe trickle a few out now and then rather than releasing the whole lot.

We're only thinking of releasing 200-300 this year and plan to wing clip them and keep a few back to act as callers. Don't want to go to the expense and time of constucting the pen only to have to move it next season. Just want to make the pen as pheasant friendly as possible i think the neighbours would be fine with us dogging back but we'd rather avoid it if possible.

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Location 1- the small wood is the best bet but hate to say but doggin in may be needed, alot, especially if we have another season like the last with mild weather.

Any chance you can locate the pen with half of the wood and the remainder in a neighbouring field (furthest away from boundary) this might help but will depend on your circumstances with land owners/farmers.

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