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I think this is ridiculous. :beer:

The lunatics have definitely taken over running the Asylum.


In todays Daily Mail there is the story of some transexuals who are taking the Landlord of a pub to Court, because he asked them to leave, as one of them (physically a man) used the Ladies toilet.

The case is being funded by the Equal Opportunities Commission and the group have said that they will take the case to the European Court of Human Rights, if they lose it at the County Court.


The Equal Opportunities Commission is totally funded by taxpayers money.

Thats OUR money. ;) B)

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Where homosexuals, transvestites etc are concerned, my usual feeling is, that as long as they don,t interfere with my life, I won,t interfere with theirs.


But, this is just ridiculous.


The only consolation is that, anyone who saw the pictures of these sad middle aged men, with their bad blond wigs, would have had a good laugh. :beer:

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