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Full Ferreting Set-up.


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Hey Guys.


I'm going to shift my Ferreting Stuff as the lease on my house has been extended to several years, but I can't keep ferrets here.


The full set up includes.


1 Deben Mk3 Ferret Finder.


3 x Collars (2xmk3m, 1xmk1)


17 10z Nylon Purse nets (really good, heavy, green nets), most with pegs.


9 or so 'Bisley' Purse nets (Good on grass).


1x 'Jack Pyke' bag for all the ferreting stuff (Broken handle, but I'll just chuck this in with all the stuff).


1x 50 yard Quick set long net with attached poles, and quick set bag. (Bought at a Game fair)


1x Bowb back single compartment ferret box


1x 3 compartment ferret box.


I've got pictures but my phone is playing silly ******* and won't let me move the pictures over, I'll figure it out for you later.


Everything is in a working, intact, but used, condition.


£230 is what I ask, which is pretty fair seeing how the ferret finder and two collars will cost you more than that alone new!


If you have any questions, please message me.



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