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I have recently accuired 5 ponds! Which are going to take a bit of grub! There was a tattie field planted that never got harvested and I'm welcome to go and help myself to as many as I want, mallard love them. Will they keep or is there any other cheap food source that I can feed ponds with as the price of barley is getting worse



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mallard like spuds after they have been frozen so you could try and freeze them yourself in bulk then feed on your ponds.

failing that get yourself round local farms and collect the tailings from the driers after harvest you will get it for free as its just getting dumped anyway .

another thing i have heard but not tried is bananas stood into the soft mud in the margins

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I also got told acorns? Any1 tried that yes I froze alot of spuds last season but this field is just covered in tatties if I knew they would keep over summer I could have a seasons worth of grub for the dukes but I think they will go off and the garage could smell a bit !

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