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Shooting Pigeons in the garden


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Au contraire: taken from the English general licence:


That's not a requirement to use scaring methods first though. It's a requirement to consider the use of scaring (or other) methods.




Reason for asking was that there was a fella got well and truly nailed last year for doing just what I want to do. Mind you he shot them "because they were annoying him" or something along those lines!


Neighbours are fine. I have a point more than 50 feet from the centre of the road that I can take a shot from and with a safe backstop. As far as I'm aware shotgun pellets don't count in the boundary law, only bullets and air rifle pellets? Although living where I do common sense must be used. I generally use my .410 hush in the garden because it's quieter than the air rifle!


I guess with an open ticket I could use the .338 but there's no way I would. It would make the windows rattle and I've got to save my ammo for the Moles. ;):lol:


They do count.


.338 - next on my acquisition list!



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And applying some simple logic what is the way you would satisfy a court that this is the case? By trying them...


You could but there is no requirement to try them. You don't get done for not trying something you get done for not considering it as a potential method.



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