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Voere Rifles


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Been offered an Voere .22LR semi auto in A1 condition but know little about them can anyone tell me more about them?




I've had a Voere Semi-auto .22 for around 35 years. It's still in regular use. It's accurate, reliable and light. It can be locked to shoot single shot.


I would buy another one tomorrow if I needed a new .22.


The trigger isn't target quality but it is adjustable and not really a problem.

They tend to look (are) a tad long with a Parker-Hale type mod.

Spares are a bit thin on the ground but never really needed any.

The mag release tends to dump the mag if you are shooting off a bag rest.

Keep an eye out for spare mags - they do turn up now and again.

The trigger block is plasticy/nylon and looks cheap.



This is mine wearing a nightscope:


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