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FAC Calibre Question


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I actually think that the reverse is true in a lot of cases. If you are polite and helpful but make a point of letting them know that you know what the law actually says (and get it right, of course) you are less likely to be the one who gets ******** about. They'll ****** someone else around who they know will cave in and accept anything they say.




That's a fair point too. Again, its a two way relationship. You need to talk to them.

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From the horses mouth;



"Your current authority is for a .22 rim fire (LR). If you wanted a .22 Hornet or other centre fire rifle you would have to apply for a variation.


As you know, .22 RF is not a fox calibre as described by the home office list and .22 RF is for vermin. However we class fox as vermin. Therefore we tend to accept if while vermin shooting you encountered a fox at close range it would be humane to use a .22 RF to protect your livestock."

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From the horses mouth;



"Your current authority is for a .22 rim fire (LR). If you wanted a .22 Hornet or other centre fire rifle you would have to apply for a variation.


As you know, .22 RF is not a fox calibre as described by the home office list and .22 RF is for vermin. However we class fox as vermin. Therefore we tend to accept if while vermin shooting you encountered a fox at close range it would be humane to use a .22 RF to protect your livestock."


This isn't correct. If your cert says simply .22 rifle then that in no way restricts you to a rim-fire. IT simply does not and I care not what your licensing department says. They can tell you whatever they like but they do not have a monopoly on being right simply because they are the licensing authority.


If they are right then they are saying that they could successfully prosecute you (and whomever sold you it) if you went out and bought a .22 Hornet. Cearly they could not as your cert says '.22 rifle' and you have purchased a .22 rifle.


As I have said; my FAC says .2 rifle and I have a .22 Hornet on that basis and have had fgor probably 15 years.



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Does anyone have a contact at BSAC to clarify this??


I suppose the over riding answer is the FAC database, it's national - it for example may list your entitlement as .22LR but the system generates a certificate with .22 Rifle. My girlfriends dad has a Hampshire cert and his is the same, .22 Rifle.


To be honest though, is it really worth getting on the wrong side of your firearms department? Imagine, 5 yrs down the line they get your cert back and it has a .22 Hornet on it, they could get very ****ty..?

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There is no need to ask BASC for advice on this, it's quite clear as JonathanL has pointed out.


If it says .22 rifle, you can have any .22 rifle, if they don't specify what type then it's open, and you could never be in any trouble over it. If their database has it down as .22RF but you've just got .22, you are legally allowed a .22 because it's on your certificate.


I'm certainly not suggesting you should go and buy a .22 hornet, as if you asked for a rim-fire this really could upset them and destroy relations with them, but there can be no doubt that you'd legally be allowed to.

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Sorry but we all know that Firearms Licencing departments do what they want with the full backing of the chief constable thus said he has been told that his authority is for a .22LR by his FEO and this comunication will be kept on his file. He also has not told anyone on here what he requested on his application.

I know for a fact that if i asked for a .22lr and a .22 centerfire and my ticket came back with just .22 rifle i would be asking the firearms licencing which one i have been granted

I also feel that Hampshire should get there wording sorted out so that mistakes like this are not made, if it was me i would be writing to the Firarms Licencing Manager explaining that i had received my licence and the wording is not crystle clear and leaves it open to interpretation i think he would look into it and it would not cause any problems.

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Does anyone have a contact at BSAC to clarify this??


I suppose the over riding answer is the FAC database, it's national - it for example may list your entitlement as .22LR but the system generates a certificate with .22 Rifle. My girlfriends dad has a Hampshire cert and his is the same, .22 Rifle.


To be honest though, is it really worth getting on the wrong side of your firearms department? Imagine, 5 yrs down the line they get your cert back and it has a .22 Hornet on it, they could get very ****ty..?


It's not a question of asking BASC (nor anyone else). It's a question of simle law. In order to break the law you have tpo be in possession of something you are not authorised to possess by virtue of an FAC.


If you have an FAC which allows you to acquire a '.22 rifle' and you acquire a .22 Hornet on that authority then how can you possibly be breaking the law?


As I have said; I have a .22 Hornet rifle on a slot which was originally granted, and has always beed described as '.22 rifle'. The police have never had any problem with this and I reckon I've had it for probably 15 years. Moreover, if they wanted to prosecute me then how far would they get? I have .22 rifle on a slot which says '.22 rifle', they'd be laughed out of court. To be honest I can't see why they'd bother as I doubt they have a problem with it.



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