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night vision auxillary lamps


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after another member recomended using dedicated IR lamps on top of his shooting wagon to use alongside his nv kitted riffle, It sounded a good idea to do, looking at the link and evil bay, these units retailed around £150 + mark, bit too high for my liking, I prefer budget vision, so made these for a total £9.65 inc bulbs


night vision spot lamps

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well, after a few bits of advice from others, I redesigned them by putting the clear lens back in and sticking the ir filter onto it, left them plugged in for an hour and half tonight and all works fine so far, Ill check out if they work with the nv unit on a night when it aint raining, and if they work as good as my rifle mounted lamp, then next step, fix on the 4x4

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ok, so they are not tested on the nv yet, but wanted to get them in a working position before friday night, as if the rain holds off it'll be lamping over a friends permission, and testing the nv too,

now when I shoot my permission its all done from the drivers seat, rifle fits on a door mounted rest and Im looking/aiming ahead of the car, being driver and shooter I can position the car/shot angle where ever I want it, but if Im over the orchards which is a friends permission, we have one of us driving, and the other shooting from passengers window 90 degree's to the car/front (down between rows of trees)


the lamps therefore needed to be movable, at first I toyed with the idea of a turntable affare with the lamps wired in permantly through the roof, after mulling over ideas in my head a new plan was hatched, lamps mounted on a plinth, that could be fixed in either one of the two positions, the plinth sits on 2 posts that then have "c" clips pushed through to hold it all in situ, the wire then simply gets trapped in the door, fitting into one of the auxially 12v sockets






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