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on silenced .410 with the small silencer how quite are they?


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i love my fully moderated baikal 12g hushpower......with subsonics its a very quiet gun and doesn't disturb either the pests i am trying to shoot, the race horse brood mares on my shooting or the neighbours in their houses 200 yards away.........


i also use standard cartridges through it sometimes.


i have shot a fox, 20 odd squirrels about the same number of rabbits and about a dozen woodpigeons with mine.............the first kill i had with it was a crossing woodpigeon at about 35 yards, and the cartridge was only the 7.5 , 28gm eley hushpower subsonic.....i now use the 32gm number 6 eley subsonic hushpower cartridges (for the fox i changed to 42gm of BB)

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i went for the 12g as it gives me a wider cartridge choice and the cartridges are cheaper


i have used this gun to introduce a few kids to shooting, although harder to aim it reduces the noise and the recoil also.....i dont like wearing ear defenders either that was one of my main reasons for buying it.


It will be getting used this coming saturday when i am taking my sons cadet group shooting, we have borrowed a field and a clay trap and me and the landowner will be giving the cadets instruction on shooting......i will also have my other guns with me (a sxs 12g, ou12g and a single 12g and the landowners 20g) but the hushpower will come in for those shyer kids or those noise or recoil afraid,

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