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Ferret questions.

Ian D

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Hi guys and girls,

I'm after some advice on the ferret kits I've had for about 5 weeks. I have 2 gills and a hob that are litter siblings, and were born in April.


How young, or old, can a hob be vasectomized? Is sooner better than later?

What age is right to start them on small warrens?


And finally does anyone ooop north have any 1 or 2 year olds for sale, to teach my kits how to go on?


Thanks for any advice,



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You can start to slowly work them at around january or febuary next year, best to leave them a while, they will know what to do they dont need to be taught by another ferret, make sure they have had contact with dead rabbits etc to help them along, vascetomy will occur when your hob drops his balls which will be around december/january of the year, as soon as you see the balls go to the vets and get him done to cover your jills.





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