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Ashgate Hospice Chesterfield


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Its been two months since we saw `Our Carol ` As we live in the Midlands and they in Killamarsh , we can`t just `pop in ` as we`d like . Over the last 12 months , since having treatment for a bloodclot in her leg , things have gone down hill for Carol . She was found to have , through her initial treatment , cancer . It was an aggressive cancer and they took no hesitation and operated swiftly . Carol seemed to respond well , and for a short spell things looked like they slowly come back to `everyday life ` . As many will know , the chemo really knocked her about , and sadly caused her to have a massive stroke . With Morris ( her husband ) and Rob and Joanne ( her children ) taking on a bedside vigil , she amazed me at least , with her determination , and if im honest the bravery knowing the battle she faced .

Three weeks ago she was admitted into Ashgate Hospice , and to say her family are devastated , is an understatement .


The reason for my post is to highlight the work people at Ashgate , and many other places like it , do , day in day out all year round . Rob and Joanne , are both doing fund raising events to help the hospice , and i am so proud of them both for teh way they are dealing with this , and not only supporting their Dad , but also all members of the family .


If you can find time to post a message of support to them , it would be GREATLY appreciated . Of course if you wish to make a small donation , then for that i can personally thank you from the bottom of my heart . Thanks for taking the time to read , and make every second with your loved ones count , as you never know when your time will come .






God Bless Carol , we all love you dearly .


Buster .


PS if you do post a note of support , please say which forum you are from .ATVB Craig

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