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Pheasant Food consumption

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Whats the reccommended/normal amount of food consumption for pheasants from day old up to release pen? to make things easier, base it on 100 birds.


I'm hopefully gonna rear 400 this year for the 2 syndicates that I'm in. I've reared for the past 3 seasons on a smaller scale, and stupidly I've never made a note of how much feed I got through. Obviously i wont expect answers down to the last crumb but a general opinion would help.


I want to have some idea of what i'm in for with the feed bills.


The little boogers are hatching as I type :good:


Thanks in advance



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Half a bag of 29% protein crumb. Use Fishmeal if poss. first 2 weeks

Bag and a half of Micro pellet, 29% again second 2 weeks

3 bags of Rearing Pellet (2.5mm pellet) 24%protein third 2 weeks

last couple of days on each ration should be mixed with the next ration to ease changeover stress. Dont bit or move them at changeover time for the same reason.

Should cost about £60 per 100 birdies.

Bit of Grit for digestion if you want.

If the weather stays cold and wet, watch out for Coccidiosis and Hexamita, minimise the risk by not overcrowding or stressing the birds.

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