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CCI Blazer by name, Blazing hot by nature!!

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Nothing like enjoying a little bit of paper punching on a sunny Sunday morning, I'd decided to try some CCI Blazer through the CZ to see what this supposed good but cheap round was like.


I'd reached around the 100 round mark and was impressed with the accuracy when a shell case bounced off the wall and jammed itself between my arm and the gunbag I was resting on. I've had the usual subsonic round hit me and the heat is gone in a few seconds but this Blazer just kept getting hotter and hotter, by the time I realised it was seriously hurting it was too late and I had the perfect image of a .22LR fired cartridge branded on my arm :oops:


At least the Mrs recons it was more macho than burning my arm on the stove :yes: I proceeded to get caught again a few times in the same place although the lesson had been well and truly learnt.




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Edited by Livefast123
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Lol I remember being in Canada at a shooting range called theshootingedge.com I was shooting a glock 9mm and a USP and the cases pinging off of the side wall/ cubical were very hot and one went down my t-shirt that was funny for everyone else. But still very good fun.

Edited by Bowen20
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